Sunday, 16 October 2011

Hello! Plus my crafty Chistmas plans

Hi, I'm Laura and I blog over at Laura: in a tangle

This year I plan to make quite a few gifts if possible.  All fairly small though.

I've made a few metal framed purses before like these:

But want to make some smaller coin purses in fun quilting fabric for a few friends, following a tutorial in an old issue of Cloth Magazine.

I was also thinking of making a yoyo necklace for my Mum.

I want to try this cool pom-pom snood/cowl tutorial over at the Purl Bee (this may be a present to myself in the end).

I also need your help and suggestions for a few things.

I want to make a Kindle cover for my step mum.  Does anyone know where I can get a good pattern or tutorial for this?

Also does anyone have any ideas for handmade gifts for men? Preferably sewn as I can't knit.

I'm also planning on doing some cool decoration / ornament related tutorials to share with you.


  1. I love the purse! I'll definitely try it as well

  2. I love your purses so much and I really like the yoyo necklace too! I'm sewing Colette's Negroni shirt for my boyfriend for Xmas, but that's the only handmade male gift I'm making due to lack of other inspiration!

  3. Sorry, just saw the comment you left on my post below re the Negroni! Have you seen Peter's boxer shorts sew-along...seems pretty simple and you could pick some nice fabric...just a thought...

  4. I recently made a kindle cover for myself (which I haven't blogged yet!) and after collecting loads of tutorials I made this one
    and I used plasticard from a model shop rather than cardboard to protect the device. It works really well but the only change I would make would be to add a hole for power switch like this one
    and then you rarely need to take it out of the cover as you can turn it on.

  5. Hi everyone, thanks for the comments.

    Marie - thanks for the boxers idea, i love it!!!

    Louise - thanks for all the kindle info, will check your links out

  6. My boyfriend has been asking for an iPad case for ages, or how about a laptop bag? He also mentioned an apron since he loves to cook (lucky me!)

  7. I love the idea of making small, thoughtful presents.
