Tuesday, 22 November 2011

knitting through November

Hi folks! 

I'm Becca and I blog over at Knit Happens.  There's been some fab knitting progress happening on here, I'm sadly lagging behind with my Christmas knits but I thought I'd share the little bits I've managed to finish! 

Above you can see the stripey phone sock.  It was super simple and quick to do, you can find the pattern here.  A couple of my friends will be getting these. 

I've also knitted a snood for my nan (as requested, she's so on trend!).  There's been a fair bit of snood lovin' on here, but if you've not had a go yet, here's the pattern I used.  And below is said snood in action, kind of.   

Anyone got any tips for improving knit productivity?


  1. Awwwwww you're such a cutie, Becca, and your snood is adorable! Your nan is going to be very happy, I think :)

    The only productivity hint I can think of is to work a little bit every day and nibble at the gift list a few minutes at a time! The old "journey of a thousand miles" thing ;)

  2. Take your knitting with you! I knit during breaks, at work, during lectures, on the bus...anytime I don't need my hands for something else (like driving or typing), I try to knit.

  3. I agree with the lunch-break/commuting suggestions - 30 minutes extra a day quickly adds up.
