Magpie Mimi here and glad to say one more Christmas present ticked off the list! My eldest sister gave me a whole bunch of fabric that she found on super sale and I thought I should make her something nice from some of it so she's getting an Amy Butler Gum Drop Pillow and so will a few other family members as they're quick and easy to make and will hopefully go down a storm.
Grey/cream background colour fabric with sketched on flowers with white highlights. Think they're dog roses. It has eight segments and an octagon on the top to cover the joins of the segments. |
By some chance of luck I managed completely by accident to cut the octagon for the top with a flower right in the centre! So chuffed!
Side on view showing the pattern of the fabric more. |
The cotton is quite soft and shiny and will hopefully compliment her living room as it's mostly white and greys. I know it's not a practical cushion with two children, but since the rest of her living room are in these colours she must be able to cope! hehe! All I can say is she must have shares in Vanish!
Love it!