Hello! My name is Bunny and I blog on www.buttonbunny.blogspot.com I decided this year that I was going to make a lot of Christmas pesents. I have just realised that I am going to have to get a move on as it is getting nearer! I would like to share the presents I have been making as I feel really proud of them and want to show them off and I hope that it will keep me inspired and focused enought to 'get a move on' with them. So anyway here is the first one...
This is a Ben 10 pajama case.
I got the pattern from an old Stitch by Stitch magazine binder book, it was suppposed to be a clown...
I changed the size slightly... 
I also stitched on the feet differently to the instructions...
And copied and embroidered/ appliqued a Ben 10 face (well I think it looks a bit like him!)
The hardest part was the face, I keep thinking that his teeth look a bit rabbity!
I cheated a bit with the 10, I fabric painted first then slowly machine stitched around them! I gave him trendy trainers as well.
Thank You for looking and I will try and post my adventures with a peg bag and gardening belt soon. 
Ahh Stitch-by-Stitch, my Mum has the whole collection, I really should flip through them, I do remember looking at them when I was young and enjoying all the projects :)